The CNISL Group
Our central pursuit centers on the comprehension and innovation of new molecules, materials, and devices with direct applications in energy, environment, and health. To achieve this, we leverage ab-initio tools, Monte Carlo simulations, Molecular dynamics, and Coarse-grain molecular dynamics. Our commitment extends to the active development of novel methodologies and tools within this domain. By harnessing machine learning and AI, we expedite the discovery of breakthrough materials and drugs. Key areas of focus encompass:
- Novel materials for CO2 capture and conversion
- Innovations in hydrogen generation and storage
- Supercooled liquid dynamics and nucleation studies
- Thermodynamic investigations of surfactant-oil-salt systems
- Thermodynamics of lipid-drug interactions
- Advancements in electrolyzer membrane technology
- Creation of software tools for material discovery
- Development of low Global Warming Potential (GWP) refrigerants
In addition to the above, we actively work in product development. The current projects are in the area of soil health and cancer detection.

Current Projects

Congratulations !!, Mangesh Bhendle
Mangesh Bhendle
Heart Congratulations to Mr. Mangesh for successfully defending his PhD thesis. We wish him all the very best for his future endeavours !!
Sep, 2024

Congratulations !!, S Muthu Krishnan, Riya Sharma
S Muthu Krishnan, Riya Sharma
Muthu's work on " Optimizing adsorption refrigeration with MOF-propane integration a sustainable approach" got published in Journal of Materials Chemistry A
Jul, 2024

Congratulations !!, Tamaghna Chakraborti and Riya Sharma
Tamaghna Chakraborti and Riya Sharma
Riya's work on " Unravelling the effect of molecular interactions on macroscale properties in Sustainion anion exchange membrane (AEM) under hydrated conditions using MD simulations" got published in Journal of Membrane Science
Jul, 2024

Congratulations !!, Mr. Abhay Gupta and Mr. Abhay Rupareliya
Mr. Abhay Gupta and Mr. Abhay Rupareliya
Abhay Gupta and Abhay Rupareliya (AB**2) have successfully defended their MTech thesis. We wish them all the very best for their future endeavours !!!
Jul, 2024

Congratulations, Dr. M.V. Jyothirmai, Ms Roshini Dantuluri, Ms Priyanka Sinha and Dr. Moses
Dr. M.V. Jyothirmai, Ms Roshini Dantuluri, Ms Priyanka Sinha and Dr. Moses
M.V. Jyothirmai's work on " Machine Learning Driven High-Throughput Screening of Transition Metal Atom Intercalated g-C3N4/MX2 (M = Mo, W; X = S, Se, Te) Heterostructures for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction" got published in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces
Apr, 2024

Congratulations, Mr. Varad Daoo
Mr. Varad Daoo
Varad Daoo's work "Accelerating insilico discovery of metal-organic frameworks for ethane/ethylene and propane/propylene separation: a synergistic approach integrating molecular simulation, machine learning, and active learning" got published in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces.
Apr, 2024

Congratulations, Mr. Varad Daoo
Mr. Varad Daoo
Congratulations to Mr. Varad Daoo for winning the Best Poster Presentation Award at MD@60, JNCASR !!
Mar, 2024

Congratulations, Mr. Shubham Tiwari
Mr. Shubham Tiwari
Hearty Congratulations to Mr. Shubham Tiwari on successfully defending his PhD Thesis !!!! We wish him all the very best for his future endeavours !!!
Nov, 2023

Congratulations, Prof. Jayant K Singh
Prof. Jayant K Singh
Congratulations to Prof. Jayant K Singh, on receiving the INAE-SERB Abdul Kalam Technology Innovation Fellowship!!!
Oct, 2023
Congratulations, Ms Priyanka Sinha, Ms Aindrila I, Ms Roshni D
Ms Priyanka Sinha, Ms Aindrila I, Ms Roshni D
For successfully defending their thesis. All the very Best for their Future Endeavours!!
May, 2023

Congratulations, Ms Priyanka Sinha, Dr. Moses and Dr. H. Prosun
Ms Priyanka Sinha, Dr. Moses and Dr. H. Prosun
Priyanka Sinha's work "Fusing machine learning strategy with DFT to hasten the discovery of 2D MXene based catalyst for Hydrogen generation" got published in Journal of Material Chemistry A
Mar, 2023

Congratulations, Prof. Jayant K Singh
Prof. Jayant K Singh
Prof. Singh has been awarded following awards:- NASI Reliance Industries Platinum Jubliee award, CHEMCON Distinguished Speaker Award
Jan, 2023
Congratulations, Ms. Roshni Dantuluri
Ms. Roshni Dantuluri
Congratulations to Ms. Roshni Dantuluri for securing admission at University of Minnesota
Jan, 2023

Congratulations, Dr. Prosun Halder
Dr. Prosun Halder
Dr. Prosun Halder succesfully defended his Doctoral thesis titled
Jan, 2023

Congratulations, Dr. Ravi C Dutta
Dr. Ravi C Dutta
Congratulations to our group alumnus Dr. Ravi C. Dutta for grabbing a spot of Assistance professor at IIT Dharwad.
Nov, 2022

Congratulations, Dr. Debabrata Pramanik
Dr. Debabrata Pramanik
Congratulations to our group alumnus Dr. Debabrata Pramanik for grabbing a spot of Assistance professor at SRM University .
Jul, 2022

Congratulations, Dr. Atanu K Metya
Dr. Atanu K Metya
Dr. Atanu K Metya, alumnus of our group, has been selected for the post of Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at IIT Patna
Oct, 2019
CNIS Lab Updates
Project Engineer in the project entitled as "Bhu Parikshak 2” Jan 24, 2025
Qualification: M. Sc.(Agriculture), B.Tech. or M. Tech in Agricultural Engineering. The candidate must have experience in soil testing particularly micronutrients using ICAR norms. Further, the candi ...